• PhD, Systematic Theology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2013.

  • PhD, Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2013.

  • MDiv, Public Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2008.

  • BA, Political Science, Whitworth University, 2003.



  • Christian Ethics

  • Work and Marketplace Theology

  • Christianity and Islam

  • Religious Pluralism

  • Political Ethics

  • Theology and Culture

  • Reformed Public Theology

  • Worship, Ethics, and Public Life

  • Abraham Kuyper and Neo-Calvinism

  • Ethics and Globalization



  • Emerging Public Intellectual, Annual Award Lecture, Redeemer University, 2020

  • Bill Pollard Faith and Business Research Fellowship, Seattle Pacific University, 2018

  • Kuyper Lectures, Covenant College, 2018

  • Scholar-In-Residence, De Pree Center for Christian Leadership, 2018

  • Fellow, Center for Public Justice, Washington DC, 2018

  • Scholar-In-Residence, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, 2016.

  • Calvin College Seminar Nominee, Faithful Citizenship, Calvin College, 2016

  • Reisbeurs Travel Grant, Stichting de Honderd Guldenreis, Amsterdam, 2016.

  • Program Grant, Murdock Charitable Trust, Vancouver, WA, 2016.

  • Theology and Work Program Grant, Bellevue Legacy Foundation, Bellevue, WA, 2015.

  • Advanced Theological Studies Fellowship, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, 2012.

  • Reisbeurs Travel Grant, Stichting de Honderd Guldenreis, Amsterdam, 2012.

  • Fulbright Scholar, US State Department (Netherlands), 2011-2012.

  • DeVries Travel Award, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2012.

  • Herman Bavinck Theological Essay Contest, 1st Place, Calvin Theological Seminary, 2011.

  • Calihan Research Travel Grant, Calihan Grants, 2011.

  • Kuyper Travel Award, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2011.

  • Merlin Call Fellowship, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2008-2013.

  • Full Academic Scholarship, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2005-2008.

  • Calihan Academic Fellowship, Calihan Grants, 2007.

  • Lily Ministry Grant, The Lily Endowment, 2003-2004.


  • Richard John Mouw Associate Professor of Faith and Public Life, 2023-

  • Associate Dean, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2018-2021

  • Assistant Professor, Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2017-2023

  • Scholar-In-Residence, De Pree Center for Christian Leadership, 2018-

  • Research Fellow, Center for Public Justice, Washington DC, 2018-

  • Scholar-in-Residence, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, 2016.

  • Affiliate Professor, Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2014-2017.

  • Executive Director, The Fuller Institute of Theology and Northwest Culture, 2013-2017.

    • Founding Director, Theology of Work Initiative. (Cascade Fellows)

    • Founding Director, Worship and Arts Initiative. (Cascadia: Worship and Arts)

    • Founding Editor, NW Culture Initiative, (Christ & Cascadia Journal)

  • Scholar-in-Residence, Center for the Study of Religion and Society (VISOR), Vrije Universiteit, 2011-2012.

  • Adjunct Instructor, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011-2014.



Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World. Baker Academic, 2021. Editor. 

Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labors and Liturgy. Cory B. Willson, co-author, Baker Academic, 2020.

Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Terror Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2018.



  • “Carrying Work into Worship,” Public Lecture, Integrate Conference, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, (April, 2021)

  • “Developing Worship for Workers,” Public Lecture, Made to Flourish Network, Seattle, WA, (April, 2021)

  • “Theology for Turbulent Times,” Panel Moderator, Fuller Seminary Texas, Houston, TX, (Feb, 2021)

  • “Academic Hospitality in a Pluralistic University,” Lecture, Baylor University, Waco, TX, (March, 2021)

  • “God’s Design for Work,” Public Lecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, (Feb, 2021)

  • “New Tests for American Pluralism,” Public Panel, Faith Angle Forum, Online, (Feb, 2021)

  • “Work, Worship, and Ministry,” Public Presentation, Made to Flourish Network, Kansas City, MO, (Mar, 2021)

  • “Labor and Liturgy,” Public Lecture, Faith and Work Chicago, Chicago, IL, (Feb, 2021)

  • "Democratic Pluralism and Abraham Kuyper’s Political Theology: A Dialogue with Shadi Hamid,” Public Lecture, Kuyper Centennial, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL, (Nov 2020)

  • “Christians and Muslims in the Public Square,” Panel Discussion, Evangelical Theological Society, Online, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Reconnecting Labor and Liturgy,” Public Panel, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Paul on Mars Hill and Contemporary Dialogue with Islam, Lecture, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, CA, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Interfaith Engagement and the Fruits of the Spirit,” Public Lecture, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Naked Christology in a Pluralistic World,” Public Lecture, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Can Christianity and Islam Share a Public Square,” Panelist with Asma Uddin and Richard Mouw, Evangelical Theological Society, Online, (Nov, 2020).

  • “The Connection Between Labor and Liturgy in Deuteronomy 26,” Paper Presentation, Evangelical Theological Society, Online, (Nov, 2020)

  • “Work and Worship” Public Dialogue, Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, MI (Oct, 2020)

  • “Muslim Migration in the United States: Sustainable Hospitality” Respondent to Zayn Kassam, Missiology Lectures, Fuller Seminary, Los Angeles (Oct, 2020)

  • “Beyond Tolerance: Engaging Religious Difference,” Public Lecture, Furman University, Greenville, SC (Sep, 2020)

  • “Middle East Consultation: Keynote,” The Institute of Middle East Studies, Beirut, Lebanon (June, 2020) covid delayed

  • “The Heart of Christian Pluralism,” Whitworth University, Spokane, WA, (March, 2020) covid delayed

  • “Once You Were Strangers: Immigration, Pluralism, and Religious Difference” The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (February, 2020)

  • Emerging Public Intellectual Award Lecture, Redeemer University, Hamilton, Ontario, (January, 2020).

  • “Global Migration and Christian Hospitality” Presentation, Institute for Christian Studies, Knox College, Toronto, Canada, (January, 2020).

  • “Live What You Sing: Richard Mouw’s Moral Leadership Through Liturgy” Plenary Speaker, Richard Mouw Symposium, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, Kampen, the Netherlands, (December, 2019).

  • “Christian-Muslim Friendship in an Age of Fear” Plenary Speaker, Neighborly Faith Conference, Wheaton College, Chicago, Il, (November, 2019).

  • “Mission and Muslim Immigration” Plenary Speaker, Mission and Global Crises, Annual Meeting, Evangelical Missiological Society, Dallas, TX, (September, 2019).

  • “Multi-Faith Support for Immigrants and Refugees” Panelist, Islamic Society of North America, Houston, TX, (August 2019).

  • “Reformed Christology and the Framing of Muslim Immigrants” Paper Presentation, Life in Transit Conference, Northwest University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, (July, 2019).

  • “Migration and Religious Freedom” Featured Panel, Religious Freedom Annual Review, International Center for Law and Religion Studies, BYU Law School, Provo, Utah, (June, 2019).

  • “Kuyper, Religion, and Public Life” Public Lecture, The Center for Faith and Work, New York City, (April, 2019).

  • “Evangelical Politics and Muslim Immigration” Public Lecture, Jackson School of International Studies, The University of Washington, Seattle, (March, 2019)

  • “Liturgy and Labor: Worship and Work” Public Lecture, The Made to Flourish Network, (March, 2019).

  • “The Bitar Lectures in Christian Philosophy” Endowed Lectures, Geneva College, (February, 2019).

  • “The Currie-Strickland Lectures in Christian Ethics” Endowed Lectures, Howard Payne University, (February, 2019).

  • “Worship for Workers” Workshop, The Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, Calvin University, (January, 2019).

  • “Islam, Mission, and Worship” Panel Discussion, The Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, Calvin University, (January, 2019).

  •  “Reconnecting Worship and Work” Workshop, The Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, (January, 2019).

  • “The Worship Leader, Terrorism, and Trauma” Workshop, The Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, (January, 2019).

  •  “Muslim Immigration and Christian Politics” Public Lecture, Baylor University, (November, 2018).

  • “Liberalism and Pluralism: A Christian Muslim Dialogue” Public Dialogue with Shadi Hamid, Stephanie Summers, and Kevin den Dulk, Henry Institute for Faith and Politics, Calvin College, (November, 2018).

  • “Evangelical Theology and Immigration” Panel Consultation, The National Association of Evangelicals, Washington DC, (November, 2018).

  • “Islam and Christian Pluralism” Christian Moral Formation Lectureship,” Wheaton College, (October, 2018).

  • “Political Theology, Islam, and Religious Pluralism,” Valparaiso University, (October, 2018).

  • “Nationalism, Nihilism, and Reformed Political Theology” Plenary Lecture at “Neo-Calvinism in Europe: Religion, Nation, and Culture”· Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, Belgium, (August, 2018).

  • "Reformed Theology and Muslim Immigration" Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI (July 2018)

  • "Islam, Religious Freedom, and Reformed Public Theology" Acton University, Grand Rapids MI (June 2018).

  • "Islam and Urban Missions" American Society of Missiology, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN (June 2018). 

  • Panel discussion with Mona Siddiqui, Joshua Ralston, and James Eglinton on"Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration," The Christian-Muslim Studies Network, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Scotland, (April, 2018)

  • "Christian Politics and Islam" Center for Faith and Human Flourishing, LCC International University, Klaipeda Lithuania, (April, 2018)

  • "Theology and Human Rights: A Response to Rowan Williams" Payton Lectures, Fuller Theological Seminary, (April, 2018).

  • "Immigration and Christian Hospitality" William Penn Lectures, George Fox University, Newberg OR, (April 2018).

  • "The Politics of Holy Week," Kuyper Lectures, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain GA, (March 2018).

  • "Christianity, Pluralism, and Muslim Immigration" Jubilee Conference, Pittsburgh PA, (February 2018).

  • "Beyond Walls and Doors: Table Politics and Islam" Fuller Theological Seminary- Northwest Campus, Seattle WA (February 2018).

  • "Theology and Plurality," Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in An Age of Fear Book Launch, Center for Public Justice, Washington DC (January, 2018)

  • “A Reformed Critique of Theocratic and Secular Hegemony: The Promise and Problems Within Abraham Kuyper’s Political Theology” American Academy of Religion, Boston, MA (November, 2017)

  • “Work and Worship: Liturgy and Labor” Church and Marketplace Conference, Seattle, WA (April, 2017)

  • “Rediscovering Sphere Sovereignty in the Age of Trump” Respondent, Kuyper Lectures, Center for Public Justice, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (April, 2017).

  • “Muslim Immigration in the West: Challenge and Opportunity for Reformed Political Theology” Henry Institute Symposium on Religion and Public Life, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (April, 2017)

  • “Evangelical Political Theology and Donald Trump” Theologische Universiteit Kampen, Kampen, the Netherlands (November, 2016).

  • “Evangelical Political Theology and Donald Trump” Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (November, 2016)

  • “Calvinism in Cascadia: The Future of Reformed Mission in the Pacific Northwest” Christ & Cascadia Conference, Seattle, WA (October, 2016).

  • “Theology, Mission, and Pacific Northwest Culture: Challenge and Opportunity” Christ & Cascadia Conference, Seattle, WA (October, 2016).

  • “Worship, Political Theology, and Islam” Calvinism and Islam Conference, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, Kampen, The Netherlands (August, 2016).

  • “Theology, the Arts, and the Biblical Drama” Cascadia: Worship and Arts Conference, Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle, WA (February, 2016)

  • “Worship and Work: Reweaving the Liturgies of Sunday and Monday” Calvin Worship Symposium, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (January, 2016).

  • “Worship and Politics: Formation for a Pluralist Society” Calvin Worship Symposium, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (January, 2016).

  • "The Vocation of the Artist: A Critical Analysis of Modes of 'Integration'"“Between Two Words” Christians in the Visual Arts Conference, (June, 2015)

  • “Theology, Mission, and the Culture of the Pacific Northwest” Christ & Cascadia Conference, Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle, WA (October, 2014).

  • “Human Work and the Biblical Narrative” Cascade Fellows, Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle, WA (September, 2014).

  • “Theology and Vocation: Christian Myths on Calling” Cascade Fellows, Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle, WA (October, 2015).

  • “Spiritual But Not Religious: Exploring the Disembedded Sacred in Cascadia” Christ & Cascadia Conference, Seattle, WA (October, 2014).

  • “Consumerism, Creation, and the Eucharist: Catholic and Neo-Calvinist Responses to Capitalism” Rerum Novarum: Neo-Calvinism and Roman Catholicism Conference, Rome, Italy(August, 2014).

  • “Christian Political Theology and Islam Immigration” Public Lecture and Consultation to the ChristenUnie Political Think Tank (Het Wetenschappelijk Instituut). Amersfoort, The Netherlands (September, 2014).

  • “Pluralism, Political Philosophy, and Worship” “Philosophy, Worship, and Art Conference. Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ (April, 2014).

  • “Worship as Consumption” (Trans)formation Conference: Worship, the Arts, and the Renewal of Christian Imagination, Seattle, WA (January, 2014).

  • “Calvinist Resources for a Pluralist Society” The International Symposium for Neo-Calvinism, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (September, 2013).

  • “A Christian Deconstruction of French Laïcité and the Hijab” Calvinism and the French Revolution Conference, Paris, France (August, 2012).

  • “Islam and Pluralism: The Christological Vision of Herman Bavinck, Klaas Schilder, and Hans Boersma” Advanced Theological Studies Public Lecture Series, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, Kampen, the Netherlands (June, 2012).

  • “Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Abraham Kuyper: Spheres, Mandates, and Social Theology” Religion and Civil Society Conference, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (May, 2012).

  • “Mecca and Amsterdam: Theological Resources for Discipleship in a Pluralistic Society” Faculty of Theology Seminar, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (April, 2012).

  • “Abraham Kuyper’s Theological Critique of Liberal Hegemony”Calvinism and Politics Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey (April, 2012).

  • “Theology, Mission, and the Workplace in the Work of Lesslie Newbigin and Herman Bavinck” The International Bavinck Conference, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan (November, 2011).

  • “International Development, Civil Society, and the Complex Act-Structure of the Human Person in Dooyeweerd’s Anthropology: Creation Order and the Poor.” The Future of Creation Order: Christian Philosophy Conference, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (August, 2011).

  • “Calvinism, Architecture, and the Faithful Construction of Urban Space” Calvinism and Culture Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary,  Princeton, New Jersey (April, 2011).

  • “Reformed Theology and Civil Society: The Legacy of John Calvin” Democracy, Culture, and Religion Conference sponsored by VISOR, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (August, 2009).

  • “Work by Grace: Toward a Theology of Vocation”Princeton University, Student Chapel, (April, 2008).



  • “Christology and Economic Ethics: Following Herman Bavinck’s Prophet, Priest, and King in the Marketplace” Journal Article, Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, Forthcoming, Fall, 2021

  • “Consuming Christ and Creation: Catholic and Neo-Calvinist Responses to Capitalism” Book chapter, in Catholicism and Neo-Calvinism, ed. George Harinck and James Eglinton, Brill, 2022.

  • Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World, Baker Academic, 2021

  • “Muslim Immigration and Reformed Christology” Book chapter in Life in Transit: Theological and Ethical Contributions on Migration, edited by Manitza Kotzé and Riann Reeder, Aosis Publishing, 2020.

  • Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy, Baker Academic, 2020 (Coauthored with Cory Willson)

  • “Christology and Islam” Muslim Christian Encounter, Vol 12 No. 1, 2019. (Center for Islamic Studies in Korea)

  • "Following Jesus and Stereotyping Islam" Resonance: A Theological Journal, Summer 2018.

  • Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Terror, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2018.

  • “Refugees and the Politics of Holy Week”The Public Justice Review, April 2017.

  • “French Secularity and the Islamic Headscarf: A Theological Deconstruction” Book chapter in Neo-Calvinism and the French Revolution, Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2014.

  • “Reformed Theology and Civil Society: The Legacy of John Calvin” Book chapter in Risky Liaisons?: Democracy and Religion: Reflections and Case Studies, Amsterdam: Free University Press, 2013.

  • “Calvinism, Architecture, and the Faithful Construction of Urban Space” Book chapter in The Kuyper Center Review: Calvinism and Culture Vol III Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013.

  • “To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World,” James Davison Hunter, Book review in International Journal for Public Theology, 2013.

  • “The Eucharist and the Stapler: The Future of Reformed Mission in Herman Bavinck and Lesslie Newbigin” Book chapter in The Bavinck Review: Vol III, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI, 2012.

  • “Lesslie Newbigin’s Missional Approach to the Modern Workplace,” Journal article in Missiology, July, 2011.

  • “Religion and the American Presidency” by Mark Rozell and Gleaves Whitney, Book review in International Journal for Public Theology, 2009.


  • “The Psalms are for Workers” Catechlesia Journal, Jan 2021

  • “Muslim Refugees and Joe Biden’s Crucifix” Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs, Georgetown University, Dec 2020

  • “Sacrificial Response in Our Work and Liturgy,” Oikonomia Network Journal, September, 2020, Excerpt

  • "Terrorism and the Politics of Worship" Reformed Worship Journal, March, 2019

  • “Making America Hospitable for Religious Outsiders” Christianity Today, February, 2019.

  • "Islam in the Netherlands: Christian Witness and Hospitality in Europe" Lausanne Global Analysis, June, 2018

  • "Muslim Headscarves: A Reformed Reflection" Do Justice, Office of Social Justice, Christian Reformed Church of North America, April, 2018.

  • "Moms, Marchers, and Managers: Priests All Three" Fuller Magazine, Work: Issue 10, April, 2018.

  • "Refugees and the Politics of Holy Week" ABC Religion. March, 2018.

  • "A Calvinist Defense of Islam?" In All Things, February 2018.

  • "Terrorism and the Politics of Worship" Public Justice Review, February, 2018.

  • "Trump is also baiting Christians with his anti-Muslim Videos" Religious News Service, December, 2017.

  • "The Headscarf: Islam's Gift to Western Democracy" Comment Magazine, June 2017.

  • “Why the Cascadian Church Can No Longer Ignore the Arts” Christ & Cascadia, September, 2016.

  • “Feeling Numb on Sunday Morning: Why I Sing With My Eyes Open” Reformed Worship, May, 2015

  • “Augustine’s Confessions and the Modern Workplace”Series on Ancient Spirituality and Modern Work, Cascade Fellows, January, 2015

  • “A Postcard From The Pacific Northwest: A Case Study From Cascadia”“Cracks in the Secular,” Comment, September, 2014

  • “Pubs and Coffeehouses: A Drinker’s Defense of Democracy” Capital Commentary, June, 2014.

  • “Fan Worship: The Seahawks and Northwest Spirituality”Christ & Cascadia, January, 2014.

  • “God and the Seattle Seahawks”Christ & Cascadia, January, 2014.

  • “Christianity’s War on Christmas”Capital Commentary, December, 2013.

  • “Cascadian Culture: Grasping a Slippery Salmon”Christ & Cascadia, December, 2013.

  • “Pacific Northwest Religion: Doing it Different, Doing it Alone: An Interview with Dr. Patricia O’Connell Killen”Christ & Cascadia, October, 2013.

  • “Sewing in Rotterdam”The Journal for Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue, February, 2013.

  • “Guarding Mosques in Amsterdam”The Journal for Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue, February, 2013.

  • “The Politics of Coffee”The Journal for Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue, February, 2013.

  • “Beyond the State and Market”Fieldnotes, February, 2013.

  • “Leaders as Anthropologists” Fieldnotes, February, 2013.

  • “Why Work”Fieldnotes, February, 2013.

  • “Pluralism in Structure, Pluralism in Bones” Capital Commentary, April, 2012.

  • “Toward a More Complex Common Good: A Bibliographic Essay”Comment Magazine, Fall, 2011.

  • “Faith, Work, and Beards: Why Abraham Kuyper Thinks We Need All Three”Comment Magazine, Summer, 2011.

  • “Of Rugs and Redemption: The James Tufenkian Story”Comment Magazine, Fall, 2007.



Title: “Mecca and Amsterdam: Christian Ethics Between Islam and Liberalism."

Dissertation Advisors: Richard Mouw, George Harinck, Cornelis van der Kooi. 

Dissertation Readers: Jonathan Chaplin, James Kennedy, Govert Buijs, Stefan Paas



“Muslim Converts Breathe New Life Into Europe’s Struggling Churches” Fox News, March, 2017.

“Europe’s New Wave of Refugee Christian Converts”Christian Post, March, 2017.

“Evangelicalen staan niet massaal achter Trump”Reformatorisch Dagblad, October, 2016.

“Christians Discuss Life in ‘Unchurched’ Northwest" The Seattle Times, September, 2014.

“Herontdekking Abraham Kuyper in Amerika zorgt voor kruisbestuiving”  Reformatorisch Dagblad, September, 2013.

“Ruimte voor wat je door de ziel snijdt”Nederlands Dagblad, September, 2013.

“Christen is geroepen om moslims op te zoeken” Interview with Reformatorisch Dagblad, September, 2013.

“Promovendus Kaemingk in Kampen: Denk over islam vanuit Jezus”Reformatorisch Dagblad, September, 2013.



Ordained Minister, Christian Reformed Church (2017-)

Guest Editor, Comment Magazine (2011)

China Seminary Liaison, Fuller Theological Seminary (2011)

Ministry Fellow, Princeton University (2007-2008)

Education Coordinator, Center for Faith and Work (2006-2008)

Community Liaison, Whitworth Poverty Initiative (2003-2005)

Assistant to the Director, Lily Vocation Grant, Whitworth University (2003-2005)